Monday, November 16, 2015

A Musing

So I have joined work here and Angel is almost settled in her new day care. The settling took four weeks and still counting. It was a big change for her. Back home she used to go to school only for 2.5 hours and here she complained that “home time” comes after so much time. At one point she even said that I don’t like schools in Canada, let’s go back to Bangalore to my old school and it broke my heart to a thousand pieces. As I have mentioned earlier, I felt bad for her even before we moved, as she HAD to tag along with us wherever we went and we do whatever we feel is best for all of us. Gradually, with every passing day, she is getting there. She now tells me the new songs that she has learnt, the activities she did, the names of her new friends, who does what and so on.

I can watch her from anywhere, thanks to the technology. I sometimes see another child snatching a toy that she is playing with. She tries to save it, and when she couldn’t do it anymore, she gives up and without getting bothered starts playing with something else. Similarly, the other day she told me that J pushed me twice during the outdoor time. I asked her did you push him too and she replied that I don’t push anyone as it’s not right. I patted her back and then told her to tell J not to push you and she defended him and gave me three reasons – 1. He just pushed me lightly 2. I was okay after that 3. He is my friend and he was just being silly. I leave her at that to fight her own battles. At the same time, I also wonder if it’s okay to be this forgiving or am I missing something to teach her. What do you think?


Unknown said...

It is ofcourse good to be forgiving but if J does that everyday then she should tell teacher about it. So that teacher can take proper action and discipline them.

Teena said...

Sneha its good to forgive someone to some extent but you should teach her that if someone bothers her more and that too on daily basis she shld even complaint about that person/kid. but she is so sweet na. And yeah We dont want that anyone should take undue advantage of her sweetness..

Reflections said...

@Manali and @Teena - Thanks girls for the suggestions! It turns out that J and Angel are good friends now and get along quite well. I now think that we should sometimes just let the children deal with their issues. They get resolved more easily and quickly. :)