Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Feeling Good..

I went to Freedom Park yesterday. Its where the protests are going on and people are supporting Mr. Anna Hazare in Bangalore. Its such a nice feeling to be a part of a revolution!!!

I really hope this fast and protests bring some fruits!

Jai Hind!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

For old times' sake...

I saw this video somewhere and my mind was drifted to old times.

Recently, I was reading a report, in which the researchers have wasted spent their time and resources in proving a thing which we already know, that women speak more than men. In contrast to the average 20,000 words spoken by women per day, men speak a mere 13,000 words!

Now for me, I may not speak those many words, but I cover it up by chatting. I have a friend, I will call her AJ, with whom I chat daily for around 3-4 hours. She was my roommate for 6 years and so we have spent the maximum hours of graduation days with each other. We may not chat continuously, but just the fact that she is at the other end is enough. Many people ask me that what is that you chat about every day. Well, we chat about anything and everything under the sun. I can bug her anytime of the day and I know that she would be listening. We may not always agree with each other, nor do we always approve everything other has done, but that hardly makes a difference in our bond.

So coming back to the video, I have seen Hum-Tum ‘n’ number of times along with AJ.

 During our graduation days, we had rented a house and stayed there. There was no TV at that place (come on, we were students!) We had a desktop though which was our source of entertainment. We rented DVDs of all the latest movies and copied them to the system ;) We had also stored all our favourite movies in a similar way. So there are a couple of movies which we had seen together hundreds of times and no, I am not exaggerating!

And when I saw this clip I relived those days, hence this definitely deserves to be video of the month. 

Since this is friendship week, I dedicate it to AJ and our friendship J 
