Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone!! May this year be happier, healthier and more successful than the previous year for all of us :)
2015 was a year of many firsts for us - our first stint at living abroad, living and not just holidaying, Angel’s first day care, our first jobs abroad, and so forth.
Since it were holidays for me and Angel for the whole of last week and J* had to go to office for a couple of days, we explored in and around Toronto. That explains a small post as I am back to office after around 10 days and a lot of work is waiting to get looked at. We went to the Niagara Falls for Christmas and Boxing days. It is one of the places that I always wanted to go, so that is one item crossed off my “To Do/To Go/To See” bucket list. As it’s a known fact that The Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Canada and the United States. The Falls were mesmerizing and I fell in love with them. The boat ride was closed, so that’s one reason for us to go back in the summers. The Falls at night were colorful and beautiful. Fireworks were the cherry on the top of the cake. Fortunately, the weather for that time of the year was warm. It started snowing from the next day we returned to Toronto (It’s -16 degrees Celsius at this moment).
That was one fitting end to the year!


Unknown said...

That's what I like about your writing "descriptive and interesting" !!

Reflections said...

Thank you so much, this post was anything but descriptive though!! :P
