In no particular order of annoyance..
1. Dishonest people
2. Liars
3. Bad odour and bad breath
4. People with zero general knowledge
5. People with no sense of humour
6. Dirty and filthy toilets. Worst, when I take utmost care to avoid the mess and not to add to it, the next person gives me a dirty look as if I had made the mess
7. People using foul language and shouting or talking on phone at the top of their voices at public places, buses or trains
8. People who drive big cars, open their windows and do not hesitate to spit or litter on roads
9. People who would not litter in other countries, but don’t think before doing the same here
10. Two faced people – who pretend that they are your best friends but don’t think twice while backbiting about you. (This has happened to me!)
11. People who would not stop pressing you to know about your personal life, salary, etc. even after repeated vague answers. Come on, can’t you see my disinterest?!
12. Vamps in saas-bahu serials
13. People who assume that since you are a girl, you cannot lift heavy things, should love shopping and gossiping and should know how to cook, draw rangolis and dance
14. Narrow minded people
15. Girls who think that you don’t need to take care of your looks once you are married
16. Married women discussing their husbands and bitching about their in-laws in public. Come on, you did not have to marry if you hated them so much!
17. People who look here and there while speaking to you
18. People who think that they know it all and the rest of the world is fool (Read: Nerdy Bookworms) and would not listen to your logical reasoning
19. Men who don’t respect women
20.People who smoke and drink – although it’s quite common and normal these days, I don’t find it cool. In fact, I hate the smell of nicotine. There’s nothing manly or stress relieving about it.
21. People who repeat simple things again and again (my mum being a teacher, does this all the time, just to make sure that we got the things right
22.Envious people – trust me, there are people who are jealous of you for no particular reason
23. Politics at workplace
24. People who don’t respect their parents
25.I don’t like Physics. I always found it very interesting to read but very difficult to score marks. I guess I am physic-ally challenged 
26.I don’t like pets. Nor do I like to visit people with pets. Trust me, I have nothing against animals, in fact I love them (from a distance, of course)
The list is unending, so better I stop here!
Ahhh that was therapeutic! I have poured all out here.. To compensate with this, probably I will come with something like “Things that make my dil go hmmmm.. “ soon.. very soon! 
1 comment:
Physics vala I like :)
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