Thursday, March 14, 2013

9 months

I realized that this is the exact time Angel was inside me. The 9 months that she was inside me seemed like 9 years. The 9 months that she is outside flew like 9 seconds. Did I tell you that she was born in the hospital named Cloud 9 and was born at 12:24pm which adds upto 9.

Anyways, after this rambling, a few Angel updates:

-She stands a lot now, sits reluctantly and hates to lie down so nappy change is turning into a nightmare

-She is a very friendly baby. Smiles and interacts with everyone but the moment anyone tries to hold her, she starts bawling. I hope she follows this “no strangers” policy throughout her babyhood.

-No crawling yet and I think she won’t crawl as she is not even trying. She is more interested in standing. As such J* and his siblings never crawled, so I think its his genes. Here as well.

-Everyone is still commenting that she is the Xerox copy of J* and nothing like me L

-She loves her evening strolls.

-When I strap her to her pram, she watches with rapt attention. I think she is registering it in her mind and will catch me off guard by unstrapping herself some day. So I have started taking the refuge of my palms while doing so.

-She is extremely independent indicating her likes and dislikes very clearly. Be it in food-she will not eat if she doesn’t like anything. She points to the door when she wants to go out. The other day, she made me take her to the swings when we were passing them. Its heart warming to see that how she is so dependent on me and yet so independent in her own ways.

-She has now started playing with her toys along with gnawing at them. Previously it was just gnawing.

- I had read over the Internet that babies of this age love to empty and refill the containers with toys and other objects and this will keep them engaged for a while. So I decided to try it with her. She emptied the container in one go and proceeded to do what she likes the most.. errm.. she started nibbling the container! Have a look at the video. And no, its not a fluke since the video is a repeat telecast.

-She is very happy seeing her grandfather whenever he is back from work and he happily carries her around. The first thing she does is take out the pen from his pocket. She HAS to do it. Every single time.

-I believe that she understands everything I tell her as she reacts accordingly or maybe she just copies my reaction.

-She know how to do clap-clap, bye-bye, hello, namaste, dance – she does this funny little step of raising both her hands, fists closed and moving them vehemently. I call it the Sunny Deol step.