I was the first among my friends to get married and I loved all the attention and Ahhhhs and Ohhhhs that I got 
Many of them got married within six months after my marriage but that’s a different story altogether.
Below are the few differences that are popping into my mind right now, not in any particular order:
1. Previously, I was a “Didi”, now, the moment they see my sindoor/mangalsutra (sacred symbols of Hindu marriage) I become an “Aunty” (which I find very funny) , especially with the maids, doesn’t matter if they are the age of my mother, I am still an “Aunty”
2. I was working in Pune before, which is closer to my parents’ place, so I used to run home whenever I wanted. Now, I’ve moved to Bangalore. The distance has increased which has decreased my frequency of going to my native. (I haven’t been there since March
3. My cooking skills have improved greatly
4. My relatives have doubled and so have my friends and I am loving this change. Earlier, I had one set of parents, now I have two and so goes for other relations as well! Apart from it, I am somebody’s daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, bhabhi, mami and what not. J*'s friends are in my list of friends as well. In fact, they were the people who made me comfortable in this city which was new for me then.
PS : None of my friends can bear my mood swings, so I guess, post marital life is better since I can be as cranky as I want 
7. No major transformation in either mine or J*’s weight which is met with a lot of exclamations. Many people tell us “You have not gained weight” or “You are looking slimmer” stressing “AFTER MARRIAGE” and we are given sympathies (I can feel that!) Come on, I was a bunch of lazy bones and J* is a lot more conscious about fitness and he makes a point that we eat healthy, go for walks and do Yoga/Pranayama in our day to day life and it shows. I like a fitter me and J* 
8. I always used to ponder that why do people get married, because of love, family pressure, society pressure, frustration or whatever. I guess I now know that why the married people want the unmarried ones to get hooked. At least I want some of my single friends to get married. Its BEAUTIFUL and fun!
Apart from it, nothing much has changed. I am still in contact with old friends, I still love sleeping and Sun still rises from the East!
Do I miss my earlier life, well, sometimes I do.. but isn’t it human tendency? When in college, we miss our school life, when in corporate world, we miss the college days and so on.. So I believe it to be natural and harmless!
However, on a calm evening and with a calm mind, if I look back, I conclude that I was happy then and I am happier now!!